By September everything was coming up roses. I had begun this blog and was having a great time writing and meeting fellow bloggers. Our home was beautiful, our dogs were healthy and happy. What more could any man want? I know. How about one more phone upgrade? Sure. Why not? I bought an android phone with Motorola Blur (whatever that is). My technological transformation was complete. I had no idea how to use the thing but this wasn't anything new. I just called those poor phone company reps every day til I had the darn thing under control. When I began, I didn't know what an app was. I had heard the term on TV commercials but I really didn't know how all that worked. I am proud to say that I know now.
The most significant change for me in 2011 was not my new found technology however, although it was technology that allowed it to happen. It was my reconnection and new connection with friends. Sandy Spurlock is the perfect example of a reconnection if ever there was one. We met at age 15 in 1970 during a church sponsored trip to an orphanage in Mexico. While other kids were enjoying Spring Break at the beach, we were building a road. We were kindred spirits then. We took a 40 year break so that she could raise 5 sons and I could run off to the world of show biz. Then we came back together as if we had never been apart. What a wonderful friendship we have today all because of technology and facebook.
An example of a new connection is my new friend, Theresa Campbell. We met on Facebook by luck. Turns out that, not only did we go to High School together without crossing paths, but she lives nearby. Not a day goes by now that we don't communicate by one means or another. Theresa is the queen of texting. We have also been able to get together in person. How great is that.
There is a line from the musical "The Fantasticks" by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt that seems appropriate for the year I had in 2011.
"There is a curious paradox that no one can explain,
Who understands the secret of the reaping of the grain,
Who understands why spring is born out of winter's laboring pain,
Or why we all must die a bit before we grow again."
Appropriate and true words. The year was one of growth for me. I didn't have to change to grow. I simply learned that my principles of love and positive thinking can get you through the best of times and the worst of times. The incredible power and positive energy created by love can accomplish almost anything.
One more thing happened fairly recently that affected me on a very deep level. My love of dogs should be well known by now. If not, welcome new reader! Recently Theresa lost her 18 year old pup. Maynard was a good boy and a beloved companion. I grieved with Theresa as she said goodbye. Then just 10 days or so later, my blogging pal Heidi Alberti lost her 6 year old companion, Atticus after a protracted illness. Atticus was more than a dog to Heidi and to those of us who got to know him. He was an idea, an ideal if you will. He was the voice of reason on Heidi's blog. He was a living, breathing embodiment of all that is right with our world and he wasn't afraid to speak out if something seemed wrong. We all miss him every day.
Ok. As another blogging pal, Franziska San Pedro so wisely said, "wrap it up". So that is what I'll do. It has been a remarkable adventure this 2011. Challenges and rewards. Quite a balance I would say. I am ready to face the unknown future with you in 2012. Thanks so much for joining me on this journey.
Peace and Love,