2012 was good to me and my family. We even added a new member, Bella our kitty. 2011 was full of drama for us. My being hit by a car, and Jon nearly dying from a bleeding ulcer that required two emergency surgeries. We tried three times to bring another animal into our home, but something always got in our way.
But, 2012 was the opposite. It seems that nearly everything went our way. We got 110 adoptions for shelter dogs this year. I went back to school for my Master's in Psychology. I got to counsel a lot of people in need through Well in the Desert (a remarkable organization that helps those in need). I saw people's lives transformed. I saw MY life transformed through the lives of people I was blessed to know. I watched people's lives change through the love of a four legged friend. I saw love in it's purest form.
One of my greatest blessings was my ongoing relationship with friends on Facebook. Say what you will about social media, Facebook has been a blessing to me. I have met some fb friends in the flesh, but most I will only know through writing. That's okay. I believe that sometimes we are at our most honest when we share our feelings through the written word. I love the phone calls too. Hearing the voice of a pen pal is wonderful.
2012 was a fabulous year for me and my family, Jon, Roxy, Charlie, and Bella. I thank you all for being a part of it. Through this blog I have made friends all over the world. I stand in awe. I pray there will be many more posts to come.
Happy New Year! May 2013 be a year of peace and joy. And when challenges come your way, may you have the strength to face them and grow.
Peace and Love.